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Comments (9)

Bryon - 5 February 05:30

Interessant et passionne, modele apparence. Je ferai tout au plus haut niveau et je satisferai meme le plus gros hommes.

Wilbur - 6 March 07:58

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Sex classique, Cunnilingus. Nous vous garantissons l'entière satisfaction avec ces modèles!

Ronna - 1 August 17:52

That wife would have done anything he said, and still he jacked off at the end. I would have bruised her throat instead.

Metchikoff - 19 November 02:57

Same here. First I thought, he kinda looks like the 10th doctor, but after hearing his voice, it was clear: that is hank.

Rochlin - 4 February 09:39

дайте я суке тоже в жопу всажу.

Gavin - 8 December 15:25

I am a pan cis-male with multiple non-visible disabilities and I appreciate this so much. One disability I have is Bipolar II Disorder and as a result I'm on a lot of heavy psych meds. This makes it extremely hard for me to orgasm or hold an erection if I'm not focusing really hard. It's super embarrassing and difficult to deal with emotionally. Most people simply don't understand. Thank you for helping. Thank you for everything you do.